Pregnancy rumor began on TikTok, as part of a viral trend known as “Krissed.” This prank involves creating false claims about celebrities to bait viewers...
At the beginning of 2025, Prince Harry brought his son Archie back to the royal family after 6 years of estrangement. The entire palace was...
Matthew Knowles, father of Beyoncé and Solange Knowles, passed away, leaving behind a lasting impact on the music industry. As the manager of Destiny’s Child...
In a shocking turn of events, Hollywood legend Robert De Niro didn’t hold back on The View as he called tech mogul Elon Musk a...
Simone Biles flaunts her Birkins, Range Rover and Texas mansion – but the $25million Olympic gymnast has given no hand outs to her penniless birth...
JUST IN: “Baby No. 3 Arrives!”: Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, have joyfully announced the arrival of their third child, a beautiful...
Nashville, Tennessee – Taylor Swift has reportedly decided to set some roots in Nashville after finishing out her historic run on The Eras Tour. ...