‘Shake it off’: Taylor Swift dancer flaunts his own ‘super respectful’ kilt in Edinburgh after claiming he was assured in advance it wasn’t ‘cultural appropriation’

backing dancers has posted photographs online of him wearing tartan after being told by a salesman that wearing a kilt is not ‘cultural appropriation’.
Kameron Saunders, from I’ve always wanted an authentic kilt but I wanted to be super respectful about the culture so prior to purchasing I had an extensive conversation with the salesman who educated me so very wonderfully about kilts, accessories, Scottish history, Scottish last names, tartans, the thistle, etc. He assured me that I could wear this outfit with pride. So that’s what I’m doing!’
His fellow dancer Sydney Moss photographed Saunders posing on the side of the historic street.
Swift’s concerts were attended by more than 220,000 people, with an estimated 73,000 fans at each of the three nights.