Insiders reveal how Kamala Harris will make final call on VP pick, who is influencing her decision – and Obama’s words of wisdom

Pages of documents submitted by each of the candidates have been collated by a group of lawyers led by former Attorney General Eric Holder and former White House counsel Dana Remus into briefing books, CNN reports.
They are currently being waded through by Harris along with the team who will support her VP which has already been selected and includes a former Biden aide.
Harris is also relying on Obama, who reportedly called her to deliver his assessment.
But advice has been flooding in from all corners, including from her government chief of staff Lorraine Voles or her brother-in-law Tony West or campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon, who helped Biden pick Harris in 2020 – has been weighing in with advice. Harris is also relying on public perceptions and has been conducting polling and focus groups to help gauge the temperature.
For their part, several of the possible VPs cleared their schedules ahead of the weekend in case Harris called.
They have also been doing all they can to remain in the public eye until a decision is made.
Shapiro told enthusiastic voters in suburban Philadelphia earlier this week that he believes Harris belongs in the White House.
He also reminded those who gathered of all his work as governor in the battleground state.